Friday, December 15, 2017

Blog Stage 6

Article by Eduardo Lara, mentions the importance to exercise our 1st amendment. On September of this year, president Donald Trump takes it to the extreme to show how discontent he is about NFL players taking a knee as a symbol of a peaceful protest. During this period players took a knee to protest police brutality in the African American communities. As Lara mentions in the article, “These players have received threats from their organizations, their fans, and even their president”. Anyone and everyone have the right to take action against things that they don’t agree with. The president made harsh remarks to point out that they are disrespecting the American flag; he also said that he would like to see the protesting players to be fired. The president should not be making comments like that; he should be applauding them for exercising their right to be heard. There are other important issues in the world right now and he should have that kind of attention towards progressing America forward.

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